Commit a394487f by xjp0422

protobuf异常捕获 TDSCmd更新

parent b2af52f6
No preview for this file type
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
//获取配置信息中的站点等级信息 生成LevelUid
static void Level_Topic_Uid_init()
string IniPath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\config.ini";
StringBuilder level1 = new StringBuilder(16);
StringBuilder level2 = new StringBuilder(16);
......@@ -58,15 +60,22 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
GetPrivateProfileString("role", "level2", "0", level2, 16, IniPath);
GetPrivateProfileString("role", "level3", "0", level3, 16, IniPath);
//Console.WriteLine(SerializeUid.SerilizeString(Convert.ToUInt32(level1.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level2.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level3.ToString())));
LevelTopic= SerializeUid.Serilize_Init_Level_Topic(Convert.ToUInt32(level1.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level2.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level3.ToString()));
LevelUid = SerializeUid.Serilize_Init_Level_Uid(Convert.ToUInt32(level1.ToString()) , Convert.ToUInt32(level2.ToString()) , Convert.ToUInt32(level3.ToString()));
LevelTopic = SerializeUid.Serilize_Init_Level_Topic(Convert.ToUInt32(level1.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level2.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level3.ToString()));
LevelUid = SerializeUid.Serilize_Init_Level_Uid(Convert.ToUInt32(level1.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level2.ToString()), Convert.ToUInt32(level3.ToString()));
clientId = SerializeUid.SerilizeUid(LevelUid, systemID.AGI);
Console.WriteLine("MqttclientId:" + clientId);
//Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(subTopic,2).PadLeft(32,'0'));//32位 前面补0
catch (Exception ex)
static void heart_thread() {
while (true)
Heartbeat heartbeat = new Heartbeat();
......@@ -88,11 +97,17 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
Thread.Sleep(1000 * 10);
catch (Exception ex)
static void client_MqttMsgPublishReceived(object sender, MqttMsgPublishEventArgs e)
//处理接收到的消息 protobuf协议
TDSCmd datastruct = TDSCmd.Parser.ParseFrom(e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("收到消息 反序列化:" + datastruct + "\r\n");
......@@ -100,7 +115,7 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
for (int messageNum = 0; messageNum < datastruct.Parameters.Count; ++messageNum)
Parameter = datastruct.Parameters[messageNum];
if(datastruct.InterfaceId == IID.AgiReport)
if (datastruct.InterfaceId == IID.AgiReport)
CalcReportReq CalcReport = Parameter.Unpack<CalcReportReq>();
string[] args = { CalcReport.StartDateTime,CalcReport.EndDateTime,
......@@ -123,6 +138,11 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
CalcTle.Raan.ToString(),CalcTle.Arc.ToString(),CalcTle.M.ToString() };
calc_tle(args); //精轨转TLE
catch (Exception ex) {
......@@ -560,6 +580,7 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
//protobuf xxd begin
/* 测试先不发送xxd*/
Xxd xxd = new Xxd();
xxd.Dt = xxd_date;
xxd.Lon = longtitude;
......@@ -567,6 +588,7 @@ namespace Mqtt_AGI
xxd.Height = altitude / 1000.0;
//JObject XxdObject = new JObject();
......@@ -169,9 +169,11 @@ enum IID : int {
IID_Server_TaskListSend_respond = 10424,
IID_Server_TaskListReceive = 10425,
IID_Server_TaskListReceive_respond = 10426,
IID_Server_FileReceive = 10427,
IID_Server_FileReceive_respond = 10428,
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult = 105,
IID_Server_FileSend = 10427,
IID_Server_FileSend_respond = 10428,
IID_Server_FileReceive = 10429,
IID_Server_FileReceive_respond = 10430,
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult = 10501,
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult_respond = 10502,
IID_Server_TaskExecList = 10503,
IID_Server_TaskExecList_respond = 10504,
......@@ -857,16 +859,17 @@ class TDSCmd final :
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
enum : int {
kParametersFieldNumber = 8,
kTsFieldNumber = 7,
kParametersFieldNumber = 9,
kTsFieldNumber = 8,
kInterfaceIdFieldNumber = 1,
kDstSuidFieldNumber = 2,
kSrcSuidFieldNumber = 3,
kForwardFlagFieldNumber = 4,
kPriorityFieldNumber = 5,
kRequestIndexFieldNumber = 6,
kPriorityFieldNumber = 5,
kOperationsTypeFieldNumber = 7,
// repeated .google.protobuf.Any parameters = 8;
// repeated .google.protobuf.Any parameters = 9;
int parameters_size() const;
int _internal_parameters_size() const;
......@@ -884,7 +887,7 @@ class TDSCmd final :
parameters() const;
// .google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 7;
// .google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 8;
bool has_ts() const;
bool _internal_has_ts() const;
......@@ -938,6 +941,15 @@ class TDSCmd final :
void _internal_set_forward_flag(uint32_t value);
// uint64 request_index = 6;
void clear_request_index();
uint64_t request_index() const;
void set_request_index(uint64_t value);
uint64_t _internal_request_index() const;
void _internal_set_request_index(uint64_t value);
// uint32 priority = 5;
void clear_priority();
uint32_t priority() const;
......@@ -947,13 +959,13 @@ class TDSCmd final :
void _internal_set_priority(uint32_t value);
// uint32 request_index = 6;
void clear_request_index();
uint32_t request_index() const;
void set_request_index(uint32_t value);
// uint32 operations_type = 7;
void clear_operations_type();
uint32_t operations_type() const;
void set_operations_type(uint32_t value);
uint32_t _internal_request_index() const;
void _internal_set_request_index(uint32_t value);
uint32_t _internal_operations_type() const;
void _internal_set_operations_type(uint32_t value);
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:TDSCmd)
......@@ -969,8 +981,9 @@ class TDSCmd final :
uint32_t dst_suid_;
uint32_t src_suid_;
uint32_t forward_flag_;
uint64_t request_index_;
uint32_t priority_;
uint32_t request_index_;
uint32_t operations_type_;
mutable ::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::internal::CachedSize _cached_size_;
friend struct ::TableStruct_TDSCmd_2eproto;
......@@ -1287,27 +1300,47 @@ inline void TDSCmd::set_priority(uint32_t value) {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:TDSCmd.priority)
// uint32 request_index = 6;
// uint64 request_index = 6;
inline void TDSCmd::clear_request_index() {
request_index_ = 0u;
request_index_ = uint64_t{0u};
inline uint32_t TDSCmd::_internal_request_index() const {
inline uint64_t TDSCmd::_internal_request_index() const {
return request_index_;
inline uint32_t TDSCmd::request_index() const {
inline uint64_t TDSCmd::request_index() const {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:TDSCmd.request_index)
return _internal_request_index();
inline void TDSCmd::_internal_set_request_index(uint32_t value) {
inline void TDSCmd::_internal_set_request_index(uint64_t value) {
request_index_ = value;
inline void TDSCmd::set_request_index(uint32_t value) {
inline void TDSCmd::set_request_index(uint64_t value) {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:TDSCmd.request_index)
// .google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 7;
// uint32 operations_type = 7;
inline void TDSCmd::clear_operations_type() {
operations_type_ = 0u;
inline uint32_t TDSCmd::_internal_operations_type() const {
return operations_type_;
inline uint32_t TDSCmd::operations_type() const {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:TDSCmd.operations_type)
return _internal_operations_type();
inline void TDSCmd::_internal_set_operations_type(uint32_t value) {
operations_type_ = value;
inline void TDSCmd::set_operations_type(uint32_t value) {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:TDSCmd.operations_type)
// .google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 8;
inline bool TDSCmd::_internal_has_ts() const {
return this != internal_default_instance() && ts_ != nullptr;
......@@ -1392,7 +1425,7 @@ inline void TDSCmd::set_allocated_ts(::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::Timestamp* ts) {
// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:TDSCmd.ts)
// repeated .google.protobuf.Any parameters = 8;
// repeated .google.protobuf.Any parameters = 9;
inline int TDSCmd::_internal_parameters_size() const {
return parameters_.size();
......@@ -98,9 +98,11 @@ enum IID
IID_Server_TaskListSend_respond = 10424;
IID_Server_TaskListReceive = 10425;
IID_Server_TaskListReceive_respond = 10426;
IID_Server_FileReceive = 10427;
IID_Server_FileReceive_respond = 10428;
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult = 105;
IID_Server_FileSend = 10427;
IID_Server_FileSend_respond = 10428;
IID_Server_FileReceive = 10429;
IID_Server_FileReceive_respond = 10430;
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult = 10501;
IID_Server_TaskExecAnalysisResult_respond = 10502;
IID_Server_TaskExecList = 10503;
IID_Server_TaskExecList_respond = 10504;//list
......@@ -263,7 +265,8 @@ message TDSCmd
uint32 src_suid = 3;
uint32 forward_flag = 4;
uint32 priority = 5; //报文优先级 可以优先发送
uint32 request_index = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 7;
repeated google.protobuf.Any parameters = 8;
uint64 request_index = 6;
uint32 operations_type =7;
google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 8;
repeated google.protobuf.Any parameters = 9;
\ No newline at end of file
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