Commit 907f6f04 by jlc


parent 25e882bb
...@@ -2,14 +2,28 @@ ...@@ -2,14 +2,28 @@
<!-- <HelloGojs></HelloGojs> --> <!-- <HelloGojs></HelloGojs> -->
<!-- <ruMeng></ruMeng> --> <!-- <ruMeng></ruMeng> -->
<!-- <TextBlocks></TextBlocks> --> <!-- <TextBlocks></TextBlocks> -->
<Shape></Shape> <!-- <Shape></Shape> -->
<!-- <DiagramEvent></DiagramEvent> -->
<!-- <Template></Template> -->
<!-- <TreeModel></TreeModel> -->
<!-- <location></location> -->
<!-- <DateChange></DateChange> -->
<!-- <panel></panel> -->
</template> </template>
<script setup lang="ts"> <script setup lang="ts">
// import HelloGojs from './components/HelloGojs.vue' // import HelloGojs from './components/HelloGojs.vue'
// import ruMeng from './components/ruMeng.vue'; // import ruMeng from './components/ruMeng.vue';
// import TextBlocks from './components/TextBlocks.vue' // import TextBlocks from './components/TextBlocks.vue'
import Shape from './components/Shape.vue'; // import Shape from './components/Shape.vue';
// import DiagramEvent from './components/DiagramEvent.vue';
// import Template from './components/Template.vue';
// import TreeModel from './components/TreeModel.vue';
// import location from './components/location.vue';
// import DateChange from './components/DateChange.vue';
// import panel from './components/panel.vue';
import contextMenu from './components/contextMenu.vue';
</script> </script>
<style scoped> <style scoped>
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
function initDiagram() {
var diagram = new go.Diagram("diagramDiv");
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
diagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
{ // default values if the data.highlight is undefined:
fill: "yellow", stroke: "orange", strokeWidth: 2 },
new go.Binding("fill", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "pink" : "lightblue"; }),
new go.Binding("stroke", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "red" : "blue"; }),
new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? 3 : 1; })),
{ margin: 5 },
new go.Binding("text", "key"))
var nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "Alpha", highlight: true },
{ key: "Beta", highlight: false } // just one node, and no links
var linkDataArray = [
{ from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
function flash() {
// 所有模型更改都应该发生在以下的事务中
diagram.model.commit(function(m) {
var data = m.nodeDataArray[0]; // 获取第一个节点数据
m.set(data, "highlight", !data.highlight); // 更改highlight属性,布尔类型的属性值取反
}, "flash");
function loop() {
setTimeout(function() { flash(); loop(); }, 500); // 每0.5秒改变一次
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
function initDiagram() {
const $ = go.GraphObject.make;
var myDiagram =
$(go.Diagram, "diagramDiv",
"InitialLayoutCompleted": loadDiagramProperties,
"toolManager.mouseWheelBehavior": go.WheelMode.Zoom,
"clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData": { text: "new node" }
function loadDiagramProperties() {
var violetbrush = $(go.Brush, "Linear", { 0.0: "Violet", 1.0: "Lavender" });
$(go.Node, "Auto",
$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
{ fill: violetbrush }),
$(go.TextBlock, "Hello!",
{ margin: 5 })
$(go.Node, "Auto",
$(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
{ fill: violetbrush }),
$(go.TextBlock, "Goodbye!",
{ margin: 5 })
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
function initDiagram() {
var diagram = new go.Diagram("diagramDiv");
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
diagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
figure: "RoundedRectangle",
fill: "white" // 会被后续创建的元素设置的背景颜色覆盖
new go.Binding("fill", "color") // 后续创建的元素设置的背景颜色进行绑定
text: "hello!", // 会被后续创建的元素设置的文本覆盖
margin: 5
new go.Binding("text", "key") // 后续创建的元素设置的文本进行绑定
var nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "Hello", color: "lightblue" },
{ key: "World!", color: "orange" },
var linkDataArray = [
{ from: "Hello", to: "World!" },
diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ function initDiagram(){ ...@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ function initDiagram(){
// stroke: '#492', // stroke: '#492',
// background: '#492', // background: '#492',
margin: 10, margin: 10,
width: 100, // width: 100,
// height: 30, // height: 30,
width: 170, height: 60, background: "lightgreen",
textAlign: 'center', textAlign: 'center',
// alignment: go.Spot.Center, // alignment: go.Spot.Right,
verticalAlignment: go.Spot.Center,
editable: true, editable: true,
}, },
new go.Binding("text", "key")) new go.Binding("text", "key"))
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import go from 'gojs';
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
const initDiagram = () => {
var diagram = new go.Diagram("diagramDiv");
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
diagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
figure: "RoundedRectangle",
fill: "white" // 会被后续创建的元素设置的背景颜色覆盖
new go.Binding("fill", "color") // 后续创建的元素设置的背景颜色进行绑定
text: "hello!", // 会被后续创建的元素设置的文本覆盖
margin: 5
new go.Binding("text", "key") // 后续创建的元素设置的文本进行绑定
var nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue" },
{ key: "Beta", parent: "Alpha", color: "yellow" }, //指定父节点是哪个元素组件
{ key: "Gamma", parent: "Alpha", color: "orange" },
{ key: "Delta", parent: "Alpha", color: "lightgreen" }
diagram.model = new go.TreeModel(nodeDataArray);
// 查找并修改元素的颜色
var data = diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey("Delta");
if (data !== null) diagram.model.setDataProperty(data, "color", "red");
onMounted(() => {
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
const initDiagram = () => {
const $ = go.GraphObject.make;
const diagram = $(go.Diagram, "diagramDiv",
"undoManager.isEnabled": true
function changeColor(e: any, obj: any) {
diagram.commit(function(d) {
// 获取包含单击的按钮的上下文菜单
var contextmenu = obj.part;
// 获取节点的绑定数据
var nodedata =;
// 计算下一次的颜色
var newcolor = "lightblue";
switch (nodedata.color) {
case "lightblue": newcolor = "lightgreen"; break;
case "lightgreen": newcolor = "lightyellow"; break;
case "lightyellow": newcolor = "orange"; break;
case "orange": newcolor = "lightblue"; break;
// 修改当前节点的颜色
// 这将评估数据绑定并记录UndoManager中的更改
d.model.set(nodedata, "color", newcolor);
}, "changed color");
diagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "white" },
new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
$(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5 },
new go.Binding("text", "key")),
contextMenu: // 为每个节点定义上下文菜单
$("ContextMenuButton", // 上下文菜单按钮
$(go.TextBlock, "Change Color"), // 设置上下文按钮的文本内容
click: changeColor, // 按钮点击事件,调用相关的函数
"ButtonBorder.fill": "white", // 设置上下文按钮的颜色
"_buttonFillOver": "skyblue", // 设置鼠标悬停时的颜色
// 在上下文菜单中添加新的上下文菜单按钮
$(go.TextBlock, "new button"),
click: function(e, obj) { console.log("new button clicked"); }, // 按钮点击事件
// 为画布背景定义上下文菜单按钮
diagram.contextMenu =
$(go.TextBlock, "Undo"),
click: function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.undo(); }
new go.Binding("visible", "", function(o) { // 根据是否有可撤销的操作来决定是否可见
return o.diagram.commandHandler.canUndo(); // 可以撤销返回true,否则返回false
$(go.TextBlock, "Redo"),
click: function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.redo(); }
new go.Binding("visible", "", function(o) { // 根据是否有可重做的操作来决定是否可见
return o.diagram.commandHandler.canRedo(); // 可以重做返回true,否则返回false
// 没有绑定,上下文按钮始终可见
$(go.TextBlock, "New Node"),
click: function(e, obj) {
e.diagram.commit(function(d) {
var data = {};
var part = d.findPartForData(data);
// 在ContextMenuTool中设置保存mouseDownPoint的位置
part.location = d.toolManager.contextMenuTool.mouseDownPoint; // 节点创建的位置就是鼠标右键的位置
}, 'new node');
var nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "Alpha", color: "lightyellow" },
{ key: "Beta", color: "orange" }
var linkDataArray = [
{ from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
function initDiagram() {
var diagram = new go.Diagram("diagramDiv");
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
diagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
// new go.Binding("location", "loc"), // 进行元素位置信息的绑定
new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
{ fill: "white" },
new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
{ margin: 5 },
new go.Binding("text", "key"))
// var nodeDataArray = [
// // 对于每一个节点,分别指定其位置信息
// { key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: new go.Point(0, 0) },
// { key: "Beta", color: "pink", loc: new go.Point(100, 50) }
// ];
var nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: "0 0" },
{ key: "Beta", color: "pink", loc: "100 50" }
var linkDataArray = [
{ from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="diagramDiv" style="width: 100%; height: 900px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import go from 'gojs';
function initDiagram() {
var diagram = new go.Diagram("diagramDiv");
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
$(go.Part, go.Panel.Position,
{ background: "lightgray" },
$(go.TextBlock, "default, at (0,0)", { background: "lightgreen" }),
$(go.TextBlock, "(100, 0)", { position: new go.Point(100, 0), background: "lightgreen" }),
$(go.TextBlock, "(0, 100)", { position: new go.Point(0, 100), background: "lightgreen" }),
$(go.TextBlock, "(55, 28)", { position: new go.Point(55, 28), background: "lightgreen" }),
$(go.TextBlock, "(33, 70)", { position: new go.Point(33, 70), background: "lightgreen" }),
$(go.TextBlock, "(100, 100)", { position: new go.Point(100, 100), background: "lightgreen" })
onMounted(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
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