Commit b032a3d1 by jlc


parent 3eb7f950
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import vueCodeRocketLaunch from '@/examples/movingTarget/rocketLaunch/rocketLaun
import vueCodeRocketLaunchIntoOrbit from '@/examples/movingTarget/rocketLaunchIntoOrbit/rocketLaunchIntoOrbit.vue?raw'
import vueCodeGetNodes from '@/examples/movingTarget/getNodes/getNodes.vue?raw'
// 可见性
import vueCodeSpecifyConnectionType from '@/examples/visible/specifyConnectionType/specifyConnectionType.vue?raw'
// 图元
import vueCodePoint from '@/examples/graphicElement/point/point.vue?raw'
import vueCodeLine from '@/examples/graphicElement/line/line.vue?raw'
......@@ -91,6 +94,9 @@ const vueCodeMap = {
火箭发射卫星入轨: vueCodeRocketLaunchIntoOrbit,
获取模型节点数: vueCodeGetNodes,
// 可见性
指定连接类型: vueCodeSpecifyConnectionType,
// 图元
: vueCodePoint,
线: vueCodeLine,
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import functionCodeRocketLaunch from '@/examples/movingTarget/rocketLaunch/rocke
import functionCodeRocketLaunchIntoOrbit from '@/examples/movingTarget/rocketLaunchIntoOrbit/rocketLaunchIntoOrbit-function.js?raw'
import functionCodeGetNodes from '@/examples/movingTarget/getNodes/getNodes-function.js?raw'
// 可见性
import functionCodeSpecifyConnectionType from '@/examples/visible/specifyConnectionType/specifyConnectionType-function.js?raw'
// 图元
import functionCodePoint from '@/examples/graphicElement/point/point-function.js?raw'
import functionCodeLine from '@/examples/graphicElement/line/line-function.js?raw'
......@@ -91,6 +94,9 @@ const functionCodeMap = {
火箭发射卫星入轨: functionCodeRocketLaunchIntoOrbit,
获取模型节点数: functionCodeGetNodes,
// 可见性
指定连接类型: functionCodeSpecifyConnectionType,
// 图元
: functionCodePoint,
线: functionCodeLine,
<div id="cesiumContainer" class="cesium-container"></div>
<button class="btn-class" @click="createConnections">静态线</button>
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { SpecifyConnectionType, Station } from './function.js';
let viewer;
let stationOne;
let stationTwo;
let stationThree;
let satellite;
onMounted(() => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.onload = () => {
window.Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI3Njg4ZWU5Yi1iZDhiLTRhYmUtOTRiYS04YjM5NmUwNjVmMDMiLCJpZCI6MjI3MzQ3LCJpYXQiOjE3MjA1MjA4Mjh9.E5XW4LnwgfVAaBC-znaYr61m4yK0-j2qEQhi9qwFFPE'
viewer = new window.Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
infoBox: false,
shouldAnimate: true
let siteInfoOne = {
id: 'site1',
position: [20, 20, 250],
ellipsoid: {
radii: [500000, 500000, 500000],
innerRadii: [1, 1, 1],
minimumClock: 45,
maximumClock: 90,
minimumCone: 45,
maximumCone: 75,
outline: false,
fill: true,
label: {
text: ''
let siteInfoTwo = {
id: 'site2',
position: [120, -10, 250],
ellipsoid: {
radii: [500000, 500000, 500000],
innerRadii: [1, 1, 1],
minimumClock: 45,
maximumClock: 90,
minimumCone: 45,
maximumCone: 75,
outline: false,
fill: true,
label: {
text: ''
let siteInfoThree = {
id: 'site3',
position: [-70, 10, 250],
ellipsoid: {
radii: [500000, 500000, 500000],
innerRadii: [1, 1, 1],
minimumClock: 45,
maximumClock: 90,
minimumCone: 45,
maximumCone: 75,
outline: false,
fill: true,
label: {
text: ''
// 地面测站实例
stationOne = new Station(viewer,, siteInfoOne);
stationTwo = new Station(viewer,, siteInfoTwo);
stationThree = new Station(viewer,, siteInfoThree);
// 轨道卫星实例
satellite = new SpecifyConnectionType(viewer, stationOne, stationTwo, stationThree);
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href = '';
function createConnections() {
.cesium-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
.btn-class {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
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