Commit 20f4b308 by jlc


parent 96625002
......@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@
<el-sub-menu index="1">
<template #title>
<el-icon><MapLocation /></el-icon>
<el-menu-item v-for="item in elementSpaceMissions" :key="" :index="item.title" @click="goAnchor(item.title)">
<el-icon><View /></el-icon>
<el-sub-menu index="2">
<template #title>
<el-icon><MapLocation /></el-icon>
<el-menu-item v-for="item in elementGraphic" :key="" :index="item.title" @click="goAnchor(item.title)">
......@@ -17,7 +28,7 @@
<el-sub-menu index="2">
<el-sub-menu index="3">
<template #title>
<el-icon><SemiSelect /></el-icon>
......@@ -28,7 +39,7 @@
<el-sub-menu index="3">
<el-sub-menu index="4">
<template #title>
<el-icon><Grid /></el-icon>
......@@ -39,7 +50,7 @@
<el-sub-menu index="4">
<el-sub-menu index="5">
<template #title>
<el-icon><Grid /></el-icon>
......@@ -58,13 +69,15 @@
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { MapLocation, SemiSelect, Grid, View } from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
import { elementGraphicMap, elementWeatherMap, elementStationMap, elementMovingMap } from '@/views/ElementMap';
import { elementSpaceMissionsMap, elementGraphicMap, elementWeatherMap, elementStationMap, elementMovingMap } from '@/views/ElementMap';
const elementSpaceMissions = ref()
const elementGraphic = ref()
const elementWeather = ref()
const elementStation = ref()
const elementMoving = ref()
elementSpaceMissions.value = elementSpaceMissionsMap;
elementGraphic.value = elementGraphicMap;
elementWeather.value = elementWeatherMap;
elementStation.value = elementStationMap;
export const elementSpaceMissionsMap = {
月球轨道: {
title: '月球轨道',
pngUrl: '/src/assets/Station.png'
export const elementGraphicMap = {
: {
title: '点',
<div class="app-continer">
<div class="mt-5">
<span class="text-base font-bold">太空任务</span>
<div style="overflow-y: auto" class="container">
<div v-for="item in elementSpaceMissions" :key="" @click="indexBtn(item.title)" class="item-container">
<div :id="item.title">{{item.title}}</div>
<img :src="item.pngUrl" width="250">
<div class="mt-5">
<span class="text-base font-bold">图元</span>
<div style="overflow-y: auto" class="container">
<div v-for="item in elementGraphic" :key="" @click="indexBtn(item.title)" class="item-container">
......@@ -42,15 +51,16 @@
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { elementGraphicMap, elementWeatherMap, elementStationMap, elementMovingMap } from './ElementMap';
import { elementSpaceMissionsMap, elementGraphicMap, elementWeatherMap, elementStationMap, elementMovingMap } from './ElementMap';
const router = useRouter()
const elementSpaceMissions = ref()
const elementGraphic = ref()
const elementWeather = ref()
const elementStation = ref()
const elementMoving = ref()
elementSpaceMissions.value = elementSpaceMissionsMap;
elementGraphic.value = elementGraphicMap;
elementWeather.value = elementWeatherMap;
elementStation.value = elementStationMap;
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